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Storace, Stephen (1763-1796)



Gli sposi malcontenti, Opera

Cavatina Act 1, #4 “Ah che invanio”

Soprano, obl. oboe, obl. fagotto, orchestra        

Sächsische Landes-Staats-und-Universitätsbibliothek Dresden

(D-Dl Mus. 4109-F-2)

Score on-line (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, A-WnKT425) :

http://www.opernprojekt.uni-koeln.de/, Act 1, pp142-146


“On love’s blest altar burns the flame”

Soprano, bassoon, strings, horns.

An aria by Storace (Sung by Mrs Crouch) inserted in the London 1788

presentation of Dittersdorf's “Doctor and Apothecary”.


This eighteenth century English keyboard reduction specifies bassoon obligato.

BBC Music Library, Song title catalogue 1966, vol 4, ref # 29079.

Copied from the William Waterhouse collection


Reference: Jane Girdham, English opera in late eighteenth century London: 

Stephen Storace at Drury Lane. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1997.