Soprano, piffero (oboe), basson, continuo, (three arias).
Aria 1, "Spezza Amor", soprano, oboe, basson, continuo
Aria 2, strophe 1, "Zefferetti placidetti", soprano, oboe, continuo
Aria 2, strophe 2, "Rusceletti garruletti", soprano, basson, continuo
Aria 3, "Fortunata crudele nemica d"Amore", soprano, oboe, basson, continuo
Download of parts for this cantata: attachment:
Soprano, 2 pifferi (2 oboes), continuo, (four arias)
The autograph of this cantata does not specify the continuo instrument.
Both cantatas published in Cantatas by Agostino Steffani
Ed Colin Timms, Garland Publishing, vol 15,1985 pp 1-16, 45-53.
CD (both cantatas with basson) Hungaroton HCD 32078 tracks 25-30, 5-10.
CD (Spezza Amor only) Concertino Amarilli (Paolo Tognon) Gramola 98856, tracks 1-6.
YouTube: Aria Cara Fili
Scores of arias from the operas Henrico Leone, La Superbia d'Alessandro, Le Rivali Concordi, La Libertà contenta, I Trionfi del Fato, Arminio and Il Turno are reproduced here with generous permission of The British Library, London. I am grateful to the Stadtbibliothek zu Hannover for permission to reproduce the scores of the arias from Orlando Generoso.
Hannover 1688
Act 1: Aria “Deh cessate homai di piangere”
Tenor (soprano), basson, continuo
British library GB-Lbl R.M.23.h.12, pp 9-12, Microfilm A.1451, RISM 800254865
In another transcription, GB-Lbl R.M. 23.h.10, pp 83-86, Microfilm A.1044,
RISM 800254860, this aria is set for soprano with unchanged text.
The same aria, for soprano with the text “Vine e dolci”, appears in Arminio (1707).
Hannover 1690
Act 1: Aria “Di cupido un sol favore mille gioie”
Soprano, basson, continuo
Act 2: Aria “Gelosia lasciami in pace”
Soprano, violin, basson, continuo
Transcription 1691, British library GB-Lbl/ R.M.23.h.13
Microfilm A.2383 RISM 800254866
Act 1: pp 66-69, Act 2: pp 229-232
Autograph, British library GB-Lbl/ R.M. 23.f.12-14
Microfilm A.2067 RISM 800184899
Hannover 1691
Act 1: Aria *“Non e gia la lontananza”
Soprano, basson, continuo
Act 2: Duet “Se t’ecclisi ò bella face”
2 sopranos, treble viol, basson, haubois (sic), basse de viol, continuo
Abschrift 1691. Stadtbibliothek zu Hannover, D-HVs, (the volume has no Signatur).
pp 75-76, pp 103-117, RISM 451500059. This source does not specify
"basson" in the first aria, but it has been recorded in that form.
CD Lohr, Musica Alta Ripa, MDG 309-1566-3: disc 1, track 26; disc 2, track 4
YouTube (+0.40) (Se t'ecclisi)
Hannover 1692
Aria Act 2, scene 9, “Fortuna assistimi”
Soprano, hautboy, basson, continuo,
Aria Act 2, scene 16, “Serpi di gelosia”
Soprano, basson, continuo,
Aria Act 3, scene 2, “Serpi e faci in me vibrate”
Soprano, basson, basse di solo, continuo (basson and basse di solo
are paired parts separate from the continuo)
British Library GB-Lbl/ R.M.23.k.2-4
Microfilm A.945 Act 2 pp 39-41, 57-59, Act 3 pp 6-9.
RISM ID no. 800254854
Garland Publishing, 1977, pp 39-41, 57-59, 6-12
Hannover 1693
Aria Act 2, scene 3 “Tu fai torto a la beltà”
Soprano, hautbois, violin, basson
Aria Act 3, scene 12 “Promoteo legato al Caucaso”
Bass, basson, continuo
British Library GB-Lbl/ R.M.23.h.19-21
Microfilm A.943 Act 2, pp 12-14, Act 3, pp 62-63.
RISM 800254896
Hannover 1695
Aria Act 2, “Tace il flutto”
Soprano, basson, continuo
Duet Act 3, “Tempeste serene, felici martir”
Soprano, alto, 2 hautbois, basson, continuo
British Library GB-Lbl/ R.M.23.i.3-5
Microfim A.944. Act 2 pp 94-96, Act 3 pp 68-71.
RISM ID no. 800254882
Act 2, Aria “Piu ridon l’erbe”
Soprano, hautbois, basson, continuo
Act 4, Aria “Vivi, vivi e dolce volgimi”
Soprano, basson, continuo
British Library GB-Lbl/ R.M.23.f.15. 10r-11v, 23v-25v, 88r-89r
Microfilm A.2709. RISM 800184900
(The third aria is a repetition of the aria from Henrico Leone, 1688;
the text differs but the music is unaltered.)
Düsseldorf 1709
Aria “Dal tuo labbro amor m’invita”
Soprano, solo hautbois, solo basson, continuo
Aria “Sinor foste il mio tormento”
Soprano, basson solo, continuo
Aria “D’onor si tratta, dolce vendetta”
Soprano, 2 hautbois, basson, strings, continuo
British library: GB-Lbl/ R.M.23.i.18. pp 17-19, 178-180, 184-186
in a short score that gives only vocal part(s) and basso.
Individual parts (vln 1 missing) GB-Lbl/ R.M.23.i.19-24.
The part for bassone is R.M. 23.i.24.
This 1709 source clearly lists the instrument as basson or bassone, but a
published source refers to it as fagotto: Denkmäler Rheinischer Musik, vol 8.
Musikverlag Schwann, Düsseldorf 1958. pp 18-20, 158-160, 163-168.
(Also known as “Amor vien dal Destino”, attributed to Gregorio Piva)
Act 1 scene 5, “Che possa il mio core godere la pace”
Soprano, hautbois, basson, continuo
Act 2 scene 1 “L'ardor degl'occhi tuoi prestami bella”
Soprano, viol (treble), basson, continuo
British Library, GB-Lbl/ R.M.23.h.2 (transcription)
Microfilm A.2118, Act 1 pp 80-85, Act 2 pp 6-9
RISM 800254856
Also GB-Lbl/ R.M.23.h.3-5 (autograph)
RISM 800254857